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Get A Brighter Smile Through Teeth Cleaning

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Teeth Cleaning

Do you require a professional dental cleaning? Are you having stained teeth, plaque and tartar build-up in your mouth? Getting a professional dental cleaning session at least twice a year is recommended, even if you’re brushing or flossing daily.

Brushing and flossing your teeth will not remove all of the plaque on your teeth, and hence regular teeth cleaning is suggested by the dentists. If your teeth are not cleaned properly and professionally, it can eventually lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

During the cleaning session, dentists/hygienists remove all of the plaque and calculus (tartar) from your teeth. They examine thoroughly and identify areas that require more attention, such as gums or areas with high chances of plaque build-up. Once the scaling is done, they use a gentle airflow polishing to remove the existing stains. Cleaning is usually done using ultrasonic scalers and hand scalers.

Why Choose Our Clinic For Dental Cleaning?

  1. The treatment is safe and comfortable
  2. We have the best and latest teeth cleaning technologies
  3. We have customized teeth cleaning procedures that match your requirements
  4. The treatment is performed by highly experienced dentists/dental hygienists.

Scaling and polishing is the removal of bacteria and cleaning of healthy teeth when the gum tissues around them are sound. But diseased gums with pocketing and heavy tartar buildup will require a more detailed deep cleaning. Deep cleanings (also called periodontal therapy) are necessary when the gums have detached from your teeth and bone loss is evident.

Absolutely. In fact, you might find that it’s best to plan more frequent cleanings while you’re wearing braces. If we notice any areas of demineralization around your orthodontic appliances, a professional fluoride treatment will minimize discoloration and the risk of decay.

  1. Most people find that dental scaling is a painless procedure, and may find the sensations (tickling vibrations, the cooling mist of water, and the feeling of pressure during scraping) do not cause discomfort. A lot of people even say that they enjoy dental scaling, especially the lovely smooth feel of their teeth afterward!
  2. Be sure to let your dentist know if you find things are getting too uncomfortable for your liking. They can recommend various options to make the scaling more comfortable to you.

After your treatment is done, some everyday routines can allow continuing to maintain the hygiene. Brushing teeth after every meal will help to prevent stains. Rinse your mouth with water after drinking any beverage or any other drinks to avoid the yellowness of teeth.

Regular scaling done biannually at Zeropain Dentist will help to get rid of the deposits. If one’s teeth are sensitive before or after the professional scaling, it may be suggested to use a desensitizing paste to relieve sensitivity.

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