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Save Your Natural Tooth with Root Canal Treatment

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Complementary Panoramic X-Ray

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure used to treat and save an infected tooth. The procedure involves removing the damaged nerve, cleaning and disinfecting the tooth and then filling and sealing the root canal. The common causes resulting in the need for root canal treatment are cracked tooth, deep cavity, or trauma to the tooth.

Root canal is a one or two sitting job. In the first sitting we give local painless anesthesia system and hence the root canal treatment is totally painless. In fact, it’s probably more painful living with a decayed tooth.

We clean the Root canal with the help of root canal files and some medicines. We take an x-ray to confirm whether the canals are cleaned properly. Apex Locator which is the latest type of instrument gives the depth of canal. It is major breakthrough in Root canal treatment. We take computerized xrays called RVG to confirm whether the infection is removed these have .001 percent of the exposure as normal x-rays. Then the canals are filled with artificial material called as a Gutta Percha. After the Root canal is filled we do a filling on the tooth, it can be of composite or miracle mix.

When Should You Consider A Root Canal Treatment?

The pulp is made up of soft tissue that includes nerves and blood vessels. The pulp will begin to die if it’s infected by bacteria and further leads to infection causing pain and tenderness. This condition requires root canal treatment to save your tooth. The major symptoms of a pulp infection are;

  1. Pain when eating or drinking hot or cold food and drink
  2. Swelling of gum near the affected tooth
  3. A loose tooth
  4. Facial swelling

At ZeroPain Dental Clinic you can expect to be made comfortable throughout your treatment in the chair. After your treatment, our Endodontist will provide you with the aftercare advice and answer any further queries you may have. With proper care, root-filled teeth may last a lifetime. Contact us today a+919920433775 or click here to Book a consultation with our expert team of dentists today!

Frequently Asked Questions

The root canal treatment might be the solution if the soft pulp inside the root of a tooth is infected. Common symptoms of this problem are tooth pain, gum & tooth sensitivity or tooth discoloration. Initially, the dentist may need to take an X-Ray to determine if a root canal is necessary.

The root of the tooth is examined and the infected tissue is removed from the inside of the tooth. The inside of the tooth will be completely cleaned and filled to prevent re-contamination.

As with any other dental procedure, a local anaesthetic will be applied to the area around the tooth to numb the nerves and prevent pain during the procedure.

If a tooth infection is left untreated, it can lead to serious, sometimes dangerous infections. This is why oral hygiene is so important and if you are having any symptoms of an infected tooth/abscess you should set up a dental exam immediately.

You could have the infected tooth extracted, but that is not the best option. A gap between teeth due to a missing tooth can cause other teeth to shift out of proper alignment. You will experience loss of jaw bone where the tooth was as it naturally resorbs. It can also be damaging to your appearance.


I love Zeropain Dental Clinic! Their work is great! They does a wonderful job, you could sleep while the dentist works, that’s how great and light their hands are! I recently had a great and smooth experience during Root Canal Treatment process!

Azra Anjum

I got my root canal done at ZeroPain Dentist. The team took care of me with a pleasing and careful approach. Thank you guys.. highly recommended !!

Prafful Pathak

I had a painful tooth which needed a root canal treatment. Dr was very patient with me throughout the treatment. The treatment went well. The staff here is also very courteous and helpful.

Supriya Kajrolkar

Dr. Tafheem did a great job with my first ever root canal. She explained everything to me in a very clear manner. Very good and hygienic clinic.

Jigisha Kamle

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